The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Walkthrough and Guide - Part 1 - The Graveyard

Stuck in The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners? Wondering where to go next? Maybe you just like to see what is in store for you before you get there, or want to look back and see if you missed anything in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. Well don’t worry we’ve got you covered with this complete walkthrough.

This article will detail how to progress through the main story missions as quickly as possible, with a couple of guiding tips thrown in here and there to make your adventure smoother. Only those recipes that are convenient to get when doing a task for the first time are included. For a full list of all recipes in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, check out our recipe guide article. Spoilers will be as light as possible, but there will be story spoilers by necessity in this walkthrough, but there won’t be any explanation of what is going on in the story beyond what is necessary to make the walkthrough make sense.

All Walkthrough Parts:

Tutorial and Introduction

The tutorial is well… a tutorial. Everything you need to do will be explained as you do it. In case you are wondering, items from the tutorial will not carry over to the main game, so go nuts. Oh, and make sure to use the tutorial guy as target practice at the end, it is a long standing Saints and Sinners tradition.

Now Henri the old man tells you all about New Orleans, the Reserve, The Tower, and The Reclaimed while you have a nice relaxing boat ride. At the end walkers will grab your boat and start pulling it, and you, into the water. A 9mm handgun will slip out of the backpack in front of you when this happens. Feel free to pick it up and shoot a couple of walkers. It doesn’t have many bullets in it, and it doesn’t matter if you hit the walkers or not. Either way you will wake up in front of the Cemetery Gates.

Welcome to NOLA

Now the game begins in earnest. You will start facing the gates of a cemetery, with nothing but flooded streets behind you. Go ahead through the gates, and pick up your very first weapon next to a dead walker.

Ahead you will see a windowsill with a corpse draped over it. Don’t climb through just yet. Search the area to the left of the windowsill. There should be some junk on the ground. When you are in the graveyard grab as much junk as possible. It’s all basically free crafting materials that won’t cost you a day of exploration to acquire. You won’t be coming back this way any time soon, so get them now.

Now climb over the windowsill so that you can be greeted by your very first walker!

You can stab this one with your new screwdriver easily, if you give it a moment to pass by it’s back will be to you. If you’re having trouble cutting through the skull then try starting the stabbing motion with your arm further away, and moving your hand through the skull. The wider the range of motion the better. You will get the hang of it in time. You can also make connecting your strikes easier by grabbing the walker by the head with your free hand and holding it still to stab it with your other hand. Be careful though, this will drain your stamina more quickly.

Once the walker is dead check the area it was walking away from. You’ll see a door. Inside you will find another walker, but also a fire ax, as well as some other goodies lying on the floor. Scour the area and collect them all before moving back to where you killed the first walker and look ahead and to your right. You will see a gate.

Go through the gate to find another walker and some more free loot. Collect it all and then exit straight out of the gate where there are some fresh bodies and a letter on the ground. Then take a right through some sarcophagi. Kill another singular walker in your way, and go through another gate to find a battlefield full of bodies.

Past the bodies you will find Henri. Talk to him, shoot him, do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter. There’s another letter on the ground near him if you are interested. Once you are done with the old man keep going past him to find your new home in a sweet bus.

Scour the surrounding area for supplies. You will find some arrows on a table in front of the bus, and the three crafting tables will also have some free things, like bullets on the gun crafting table. Around the corner you will find a candle lit archery range with a bow and another free arrow. Don’t go past the archery range on this side of the graveyard yet, there will be plenty of opportunities to go there soon enough.

If you go to the left of the bus towards the dock there is a box of stuff on the dock, and inside the bus you will find a .30 revolver in perfect condition, as well as a shiv in perfect condition. There are some notes from Henri on the same table. Read through them and you will get your first task, to get a microphone for the radio. For now you can hook the battery up to it.

Scrap all of the things you found in the graveyard and go to bed. Your screwdriver is probably about to break by now, so you may as well scrap that. The bow in the archery is also in very bad condition. You may as well scrap that too, it only has a couple of shots in it. Once your inventory is clear go to sleep.

Day 2: The Shallows

Every day in New Orleans will be slightly harder than the last one. The loot will get worse and worse, and the walkers will become more plentiful. Since your trip to the shallows will be on Day 2, there won’t be many walkers, and the loot will be top notch. You won’t really need to bring your revolver, as there won’t be any human enemies, though a firearm can be useful if you get cornered by too many walkers, or run out of stamina.

You will definitely need to at least bring your new Shiv. You will be able to find other melee weapons in the Shallows, and some medical supplies. While generally you don’t want to rely on what you find during the day, Day 2 will be pretty easy, just a few walkers here and there.

Also make sure to check your stamina gauge before leaving. If your maximum stamina is low then you need to eat. Make sure to only eat food you make yourself at the survival workbench unless it’s an emergency, all other food will damage your maximum health. You can also make some Nutri Stew at the survival bench and bring it with you to the Shallows to eat during your time there. You could also bring a bandage if you want to play it a little carefully, but you will find some in the Shallows, and every item you bring and don’t use is one less inventory slot for loot.

Once you’re ready to go, head on over to the boat, pick up the map in one hand, point to the Shallows with the other and press trigger.

Want to find out what happens in the shallows? Need a guide on how to complete your first mission and retrieve the microphone? Then head over to Part 2.


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